Hunab Ku is the name of the ultimate and disembodied deity of the ancient Maya, representing the uniduality of the cosmic creative forces and guides of life, and has been associated with one of the sacred mantle bequeathed by the Aztecs in the codices. In it are represented two forces that weave, complement each other, as they are: spirit and body; day and night; knowing and knowledge: Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipocah. Epistemological dualism generated by a third, which is present in the homomorphic thought continuum of the cultures of the continent of Anahuac-Tawantinzuyu. The Hunab Ku connects different levels of reality, by means of the movement of the two snakes that leave the same place, such as those that envelop the famous Aztec Calendar or Sunstone, to meet again and cross paths, producing the dialectical/dialogical movement of the cosmic existence: emerges again the uniduality of complementary forces that will travel along with the destiny of life and humanity The symbol is surrounded by two circles, which materialize levels of reality, colorful in the tone of the flower of the Cempoaxuchitl or the twenty flowers (golden yellow) that, according to the mythology of ancient Mexico, was born in Mictlan, in the region of the disembodied, to light the souls of our ancestors, while the Sun was not (again life and death are connected in an eternal cycle). Red means union-separation, continuum-fragmentation. Black refers to death, the occult, the complement of the cycle. In short, the choice of colors rescues some topics of interest from transdisciplinarity and complexity.